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“The compassion you show in your instruction is contagious.  I can’t thank you enough for guiding me through my Kundalini practice throughout my pregnancy.  I have never felt more connected to my mind, body and soul. I have a lot of this due to our weekly sessions and your kindred spirit! I have loved hearing about your journey through childbirth and motherhood. I have learned so much from you…the biggest lesson being…finding confidence in my beautiful, bountiful, and blissful body for childbirth and motherhood.  I will miss our sessions, but also feel equipped to continue my practice on my own. Thank you for your friendship, guidance and love.”


                                                                  -Sandy R.

“Thank you for your support and encouragement these past several months.  I am so happy we met and incredibly grateful for your experience and guidance through this process.  It has certainly been a process! There’s been a huge learning curve and I needed your reminders to be gentle with myself.  Things haven’t worked out the way I envisioned but you’ve continued to point out the things I can control and the way I react to those “set-backs.”  You’ve helped me to “accept the things I cannot change.”  I know in the end it won’t matter how baby gets here—just that he or she arrives safely.  Thank you for helping me stay focused on the end goal—a happy, healthy mom and baby. I’m grateful to have you as a friend and resource.  See you soon with baby in tow!”


                                                                 -Jessica V.

“My dearest Ange,


How can I even begin to thank you for everything you did for me this weekend?  I’m still glowing at the memory of it, and I’m just so very honored for all of the love I received from all of you (my tribe).  The birth blessing that you created was perfect and those moments will carry me through the next few months and beyond. The bracelet is perfect and I already know the strength it will give me during labor and beyond.  It has been a long journey to get to this place and I couldn’t have imagined traveling it without you by my side. I always thought my dearest friendships would be with the people I’ve known the longest, but our friendship has proven it’s not the amount of time you know someone, but the journey you share, whenever it starts.  I am so grateful that we get to journey together. I love the woman you are, the one you’ve helped me become, all that you’ve taught me and all of the memories we have left to create. Thank you for everything!!!"


                                                                   -Angela M.

“Angela is truly a guiding light. Her coaching and her program are a powerful combination that will help you create a more intentional, productive, and happy life. The impactful changes that you experience during the program trickle into all areas of your life create a transformational experience.


I started this program thinking about all of the goals I wanted to accomplish, all of the outcomes I wanted, the changes I wanted to make, and tasks I wanted to complete… and honestly I was completely overwhelmed. Angela quickly helped me realize that the way I was organizing my day, life and time didn’t allow any space to accomplish the lofty goals I had created. She helped me create space in my life, rework my current patterns, change my habits, remove habits that were not working for me or serving me, and really rethink how I approach each day. I am now on SUCH a better path and can actually see the end goals I created heading my way.


Figuring out what you “want” is one thing that Angela helps you with – in life, in your career, in your relationships. But then helping you create a path to get to what you want is a whole other thing that Angela assists with, supports you in, and wholeheartedly encourages you to do. That path was initially full of speed bumps and roadblocks when I began this program and Angela helped me remove obstacles week by week, through her guidance and through the work we did in the program, so that I could work towards achieving my actual goals.


I honestly can’t say enough about this program and about Angela. I will continue to use the tools and skills I learned throughout this experience for the rest my life.”


                                                                               -Amy B.

“Thank you for so much for leading such a relaxing meeting for Self-Care (let’s do this every year, okay?) Your wisdom and guidance gave us all so much to think about, especially in regards to making and holding time for ourselves as if it’s as important as appointments for our children (because it is!)  Everyone loved the stations and the great journals and positive pencils you offered, as well as the painted rocks (with affirmations) where we could focus our intentions. I look at mine many times every day — it sits next to my water kettle in the kitchen — and am grateful for you when I see it because I am reminded to prioritize myself and re-focus on my goal to be more organized with my time. 


We appreciate you!”


                                                                             -Shannon P.

“The time I’ve spent with you has been an incredible journey getting to know who you really are.  I have never met someone like you in my entire life. Your heart is enormous and is made of gold.  Your mind is clear and always ready with a response that makes sense to me. Your body is always and to lend an open, listening ear.  Your energy is positive, non-judgemental and extremely uplifting. I am truly grateful I met you. You will forever have a special place in my heart.   You have helped me see I am a better person that I ever thought I would be. Thank you for sharing and creating this incredible experience. Good luck to you on your next adventures and giving many women the pleasure of having you in their lives.”


                                                                                  -Jodie F.

"I learned about Angela and her coaching during a time in my life when I was unclear about what wasn't working, but knew I needed help with a change.  Angela was compassionate, but also frank; insightful, but also to the point. She challenged me where I needed to be challenged from an objective perspective, versus hearing similar ideas from a friend or spouse who is biased.  She cut through 20 years of denial, distraction, and negative thinking patterns in about 20 minutes, and gave me the support and encouragement I needed to finally take charge of my life.  


My work with Angela has provided me numerous tools, methods, and techniques that I employ everyday that make me more energized, enthusiastic about life, and loving to my partner, family, and friends.  I am grateful that I can continue to use these tools for the rest of my life, now that Angela has taught me how to incorporate them into my normal routine. Thank you again Angela, for everything!"


                                                                           -Stacy A.

Meeting Angela at the time that I did felt very serendipitous. I attended a workshops, which was a preview of her five-week course "Made for Greatness". Angela was open, friendly, calm – she had an aura about her that made me feel she was at peace and happy. I felt a connection with her words, vibe, and demeanor even if it was only an hour. But then I knew I wanted more so I signed up for the full course.


I really liked having practical tools that easily became habits. I liked the format of having homework and talking at the end of the week. After the first week, having done the first homework, and speaking to Angela for the first time one-on-one, I, with her help, immediately had life-changing realizations. Our conversation was weirdly eye-opening, mind- and heart-opening that I was filled with joy. It was such a great feeling. We were able to surface and identify patterns in my life, behaviors, and relationships that either needed reinforcing or reconsidering. And this continued for weeks. The learning and receiving felt like building blocks.


  • Accepting your own power

  • Being purposeful and deliberate with words

  • Controlling your thoughts, emotions, actions

  • Decluttering to make space in your life

  • Encouraging more self-reflection

  • Feeling grateful

  • Growing the joy and gratitude around you

  • And more!

Angela is a thoughtful and caring guide. She listens and is so in tune with feelings. Her ways made me feel safe from judgment that I could be open and vulnerable.

During our conversations, I saw different perspectives on a lot of things, most importantly on how I perceived myself. Through insightful conversations, she has helped me evaluate feelings, situations, and relationships. She wasn’t telling me what to do or feel, rather guiding me to a higher consciousness.

For the five-week course, you get as much as you put in. It requires participation of your whole being. With honesty and acceptance of yourself. When the course ended, I wanted to continue – sure there are techniques or rituals that with consistent practice you are able to employ when needed; habits that if you skip or forget, you are able to pick up again. After all, you are accountable to yourself. But there’s something wonderful about being accountable to someone who wants to help you live your purpose. I found the program and Angela so helpful that I asked for a program tailored for me. I don’t do the stock market, but I think an investment in me by me is definitely a wise investment. <3


                                                                 -Miko N. 




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